The Alliance for Customers' Telecommunications Rights
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To subscribe send e-mail to teletruth-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Welcome to TeleTruth News, the publication of TeleTruth, an alliance for customer rights. This newsletter brings you exclusive news and analysis of the issues that effect your phone and broadband service. In this issue:
The TeleTruth Act of 2002 --- What's Broken in Telecom and Why We Should Break Up the Bells. We believe the Bell monopolies stole your Diigital Future, harmed competitors that would have given you new services, overcharged you hundreds of dollars that should be refunded, and prices should be lowered immediately. The only way you may get what is yours may be to finally "break up" the Bell local monopolies. The Customer Costs of the Bell Monopoly:
To read the entire article, click here. http://www.newnetworks.com/breakuparticle.htm To read more about "Breaking up the Bells" and a proposed Congressional bill by Senator Hollings, see http://www.newnetworks.com/breakupthebells.com STOP HR 1542 ---"Tauzin-Dingell" Bill! In Spring 2002,
a bill is going to be presented in Congress that is a corporate welfare
relief bill, designed to help four very large Bell phone companies make
more of your money in the name of Broadband. "This bill gives the
Bells more power, less scrutiny, and even provides protection from investigations.
The proposed bill would block competitors from using the networks, will
raise customer Internet rates, and it doesn't address or fix any of the
current DSL or competitor issues. It is also clear that this bill is an
advertisement of why we need campaign finance reform --- So Congressmen,
such as Rep. Billy Tauzin, who have extensive ties to the Bell companies,
should not be able to use undue influence to do favors for companies they
are supposed to be regulating. Click here to read "Eight
reasons why the Tauzin-Dingell Bill is BAD for America's Telephone Customers"
or visit our clearinghouse of articles, reports, testimony and background
on this topic called Tauzin-Dingell
is Evil. To read about the portability charge and the detailed issues surrounding moving phone numbers, see the NNI filing with the FCC: http://www.newnetworks.com/portrelease.html You're Owed $200 by your local phone company. The Bell companies are still monopolies. They control the wiring into customers' homes and offices and their services are supposed to be "fair and reasonable". However, with profit margins 250% above the recently released Business Week 500 and over 200% above their utility brethren, the questions everyone should be asking is:
To read a summary of the issues or our full report see: http://www.newnetworks.com/pressbellprofits.htm Join TeleTruth: New group formed for Customers who want their telecommunications and Broadband rights protected This is a critical time for all phone customers. We all know that prices for local services keep going up, customer service keeps getting worse, competition is practically nonexistent, and the promise of high-speed DSL has been almost a joke. But new laws are now being proposed by the Bell-funded politicians that will make the current awful situation EVEN WORSE! Forget about the regulators like the FCC or the state public utility commissions. They are under-financed, understaffed, overburdened, and politically controlled by the very companies they are supposed to regulate. And unfortunately, no consumer group has stepped forward to lead the fight against the incredibly powerful Baby Bells. To learn more about joining TeleTruth, or volunterring to work for change, click here. Next Issue ---- Exclusives:
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