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Dear Customer, Dear Reporter, Dear Politician, Dear Business owner.
The FCC is involved in a cover-up right before your very eyes. There is a plan called "The Missoula Intercarrier Compensation Plan" that will increase your local phone service greatly. It will:
To Read the Rest of this Letter: TAKE ACTION: 1) FILE COMMENTS WITH THE: DEADLINE: FEB. 1st, 2007 http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/ecfs/upload_v2.cgi
Write CONGRESS: CALL THE SENATE COMMERCE COMMITTEE WHAT TO SAY? 1) DON"T LET THE FCC RAISE THE FCC LINE CHARGE TO $10.00 WITHOUT AUDITS 2) NO INCREASES TO THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND WITHOUT AUDITS. 3) NO NEW FEES! 4) TELL THE FCC TO STOP CALLING IT "MISSOULA" AND DO SOMETHING A CUSTOMER CAN UNDERSTAND. TELL PEOPLE YOU"RE RAISING RATES> 5) RENAME THE FCC LINE CHARGE 6) MAKE THE FCC PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF LOW VOLUME USERS AS WELL AS EVERYONE ELSE. 7) AUDIT THE PHONE COMPANIES' BOOKS FOR MISSING EQUIPMENT. TO READ: Teletruth's Missoula Intercarrier Compensation http://www.teletruth.org/docs/TeletruthMissoula.doc To READ: The Missoula Plan by the Phone Companies, even though it's incomprehensible, even to experts -- Notice how they cover over the real impact -- Raising rates. http://www.teletruth.org/docs/missoulaplancharts.pdf To Read Teletruth's previous Complaints about the FCC Line Charge: To READ MORE about Teletruth''s Phone Bill Work http://www.newnetworks.com/phonebillissues.htm
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