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SEND THIS EMAIL EVERYWHERE! SEND THIS EMAIL EVERYWHERE. TELETRUTH January 30th, 2007 STOP THE PHONE RATE PRICE HIKES: STOP THE MISSOULA PLAN 1) FILE COMMENTS WITH THE: DEADLINE: FEB. 1st, 2007 STOP: FCC's "Missoula" Plan to Increase to $10 FCC Line Charge, New Fees, Increase Universal Service. Dear Customer, Dear Reporter, Dear Politician, Dear Business owner. The FCC is involved in a cover-up right before your very eyes. There is a plan called "The Missoula Intercarrier Compensation Plan" that will increase your local phone service greatly. It will: a) Raises the FCC Line Charge to $10.00 a month (from $6.50 (on local
wireline bills) With a name like "Missoula", you would think that Wyoming is involved or that "intercarrier compensation" is a healthcare issue. But no, the FCC has decided to cover up its plan for a large phone rate hike, taken directly from the phone companies, AT*T, Verizon, etc. who proposed it. The FCC hasn't made these points clear to customers because in the light of day, outside the Washington DC Beltway, if the FCC had called the plan "Raise phone rates", someone might notice. And while the FCC claims that this will 'lower' long distance fees',
we know Let's look at the facts about the FCC Line Charge and this plan. What is the FCC Line Charge? 1) THE FCC LINE CHARGE IS A VERY LARGE SLUSH FUND. With 100 million households, and 35 million businesses, it is a very large fund. It is direct revenue to the local phone companies --- billions a month. 2) The name "FCC Line Charge" is a violation of truth in billing because the common belief is that it goes to fund the FCC. It fails the test of: "brief, clear, non-misleading, plain language description of the service or services rendered." Also, it is not a tax or surcharge, even though it is usually in the 'Taxes & Surcharges" part of the bill. 3) Dirty Secret: DON"T CALLS US: In 2000, the FCC had the "CALLS" plan, to raise the FCC Line Charge from $3.50 to $6.50 as well as raise the Universal Service Fund. -The FCC claimed that it would lower long distance rates. It backfired, especially for 'low volume users'. o See: Harvard Nieman Watchdog: ""For low-volume users, phone
costs have risen sharply, January 04, 2007 http://www.niemanwatchdog.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=background.view&backgroundid=00148 4) And Local Prices:? In New York City they're up 426% since 1980 --
"Local phone charges have soared since the break-up of AT&T"
September 18, 2006 FCC Commissioner Copps in 2002 wrote: 6) You're Already Owed $211 in Overcharging from CALLS increases. In 2004, Teletruth filed a complaint with the FCC outlining how the charge should never have been increased, but decreased, based on models by economists. Updating the stats shows that every line paid an additional $211.34 (on average) -- about $24 billion extra to date and counting. See: http://www.teletruth.org/docs/FCCLineChargedataqualityact.pdf 6) Missoula Plan Has Multiple Flaws That Will Cost You Money. a) The Missoula plan extends the slush fund without any audits. If
the starting point is questionable adding new fees with no data is ugly-anti-consumer
Raise your rates without audits? No guarantee of lower long distance prices, so that the AT&T and Verizon can more of your money? Shame on the FCC for disguising the raising of phone rates by calling it Missoula. Why is the FCC protecting the interests of AT&T and Verizon before your rights? : Tell The FCC To Tell the Truth about this charge: Read Teletruth's official filing: http://www.teletruth.org/docs/TeletruthMissoula.doc Read the original Missoula Plan, though it's impossible to understand, even for experts. http://www.teletruth.org/docs/missoulaplancharts.pdf PS: Teletruth previously filed Complaints with the FCC pertaining to
these issues. The FCC simply ignored them. See: More About Phone Bills Issues: http://www.newnetworks.com/phonebillissues.htm More about Teletruth http://www.teletruth.org |
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