^up |
SBC Ameritech's Commitments are Worthless.
is one of the original Baby Bells and over the last few years
they have merged with Pac Bell, (California) Ameritech (Ohio, Wisconsin,
Illinois, Indiana and Michigan) and SNET (Connecticut) And this
as been a clear cut disaster for customers ---Also, SBC was supposed
to compete in 30 cities outside their region... they never did it.
Why? 5 Reasons: |
1. |
Liar Liar, SBC's
Pants On Fire SBC was allow to merge with Ameritech because
they made commitment to compete outside their region in 30 cities
by April 2002.--- The agreement states they owe $1.2 billion and SBC
can be 'divested' of Ameritech. |
2. |
Harm to the US Phone Customers |
If you live in New York, Boston, Philadelphia,
Washington DC --- a total of 30 cities in the US outside of the SBC
Ameritech region, the price of your local service was supposed to
go down because of competition. Check
out your city |
3. |
Harm to the Customers of Ameritech |
throughout the Region has gotten worse --- Here's an FCC Letter: from
the end of 2000 -"I am concerned that SBC's performance data
indicates that consumers in SBC's region are experiencing increasing
installation delays, longer repair times, and greater difficulties
contacting SBC's incumbent LECs about service quality and other issues.
4. |
Harm to Ameritech Competitors |
The CLEC Association
of Michigan filed an Emergency Complaint "SBC/Ameritech Engaging
In Illegal, Unfair Behavior In Blocking Competition, Broadband, Michigan
CLEC Association Says |
5. |
Harm to the Customers of Pac Bell |
Pac Bell is also owned by SBC "INDEPENDENT
6. |
Up the Bells:.These mergers have been bad for customers. And
it is time to take further steps -- including breaking up the local
monopolies |
Take Action |
1. |
Learn More
Liar Liar, SBC's Pants On Fire SBC
was allow to merge with Ameritech because they made commitment to
compete outside their region in 30 cities by April 2002.--- The
agreement states they owe $1.2 billion and SBC can be 'divested'
of Ameritech. Read
the Merger Conditions and Learn what SBC stated they would
do when the merged... and what the did do by 2002.
2. |
Contact Senator Hollings and support our request for Hearings.
To Hollings Click here to read our request for hearings
and write him a letter.
3. |
Contact the FCC ----To Contact the Commissioners via E-mail ---
Tell Them you want an immediate investigation. |
4. |
Talk to others with similar problems |
Forum |
5. |
Join TeleTruth |
TeleTruth Initiatives |
Press Release --"SBC
Fails To Compete in 30 Cities by 2002: TeleTruth Requests Senator
Hollings Start Investigation to break up SBC/Ameritech Merger and
Pay 1.2 Billion in Penalties" March 12th, 2002 |
To Hollings TeleTruth Requests Senate Hearings----March 4th,
2002. |
Press Releases |
TeleTruth in the
Press |
What is TeleTruth? |