Dear Public Service commission. ,
I am a customer of name of Phone company and I could use
your help to settle a dispute. I just checked my bill and I've been
paying charges I never ordered. These added charges have been on
my bill for over a year. I've been charged for Inside Wire Maintainence
---- which I never ordered, and Call Forwarding, which I also never
ordered. You can check the phone records to see I never used Call
I called the company on ____ and spoke to them. They kept saying
I ordered these services, though they won't send me any proof. And
they refuse to pay me back for these services.
I never ordered these services and I want my money back for over
a year, as well as all the taxes I paid, and the money I lost if
it was in my savings account.
I figured I was charged:
- $2.50 per month for the inside wire maintenance $30.00
- $3.50 for the Call Forwarding. $42.00
So, I'm owed about $72, not counting taxes. ---- 2hich could add
an additional 10-20%.
They can't just put services on my bill. I admit I can't look at
the bill closely
I get too confused by all of the charges.
But when I saw this information from TeleTruth that 50% of all phonebills
having hidden charges, I looked at my bill--- and look what I uncovered.
Here's a copy of the bill -- notice the added charges
Please call me or contact me by phone or email at [email]