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Verizon NJ, "Inoperative" Circuits Case
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BUSINESS TOP QUESTIONS: Do you have an inoperative circuit?: Are you a member of the class? How do you spot one? How much is the potential refund? -- Applies to all small businesses, schools, government agencies, banks, etc.


Are you paying for a phone service that are inoperative --- no longer in use, damaged or simply doesn't exist? This case is specifically about special circuits commonly known as non-switched analog circuits. See the FAQ.

MOST IMPORTANT: If you have one of these circuits, you must determine if the current circuit is working or whether you are being billed for something that is no longer in service. Teletruth has set up a hotline to help customers through this process as well as audit phone bills for further mistakes --- and refunds.

The refunds can be large: For example, if a customer is paying for an inoperative burglar alarm circuit, they could be entitled to refunds ranging from $600 or over $2,300 for a low-speed data circuit.

Learn more about phone bill issues and Teletruth: Teletruth is one of the leading experts in phone bill charges in America. We've published ebooks, reports, and have filed complaints on both the state and federal level to clean up phone bills and make them accurate and readable, as well as lower the costs for many services, from the FCC Line Charge (which doesn't go to the FCC) to the Universal Service Fund.

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