MISSION STATEMENT Contact: Cynthia J Laitmam Tel 608/ 277-9093 E-mail: laitmancj@yahoo.com Whereas the so-called Video Competition Act (SB 107
/ AB 207) now being considered in the Wisconsin legislature • is based on deceptive corporate claims
to lower consumer costs and increase competition, and on unverifiable
and unenforceable promises to create union jobs, • was written by the industry that would
be its major beneficiary, ignoring Wisconsin citizens and other key
stakeholders, • would gut consumer protections and abolish
local control over cable and telecommunication operations, explicitly
forbidding municipalities from objecting to any operational decisions
of video franchisers, • would eliminate funding for and decrease the number of local public,
educational, and government access television channels, and
would eliminate even minimal standards for video picture quality, • would reduce revenues to Wisconsin municipalities
by millions of dollars by eliminating corporate fees for their use of
public rights-of-way, and • gives control without accountability
to private corporations -- in perpetuity-- over Wisconsin’s broadband
and telecommunication capabilities, endangering our State’s economic
future, we, the undersigned,
call for the defeat of this pending legislation. Signators: Center
for Media & Democracy Citizens
Utility Board of Wisconsin North
Shore Cable Commission (Milwaukee area) Regional
Telecommunications Commission (greater
Metropolitan Milwaukee area) Wisconsin
Association of PEG Channels (WAPC) Wisconsin
Democracy Campaign Wisconsin
League of Women Voters Wisconsin
Public Interest Research Group (WISPIRG) Barry Orton, PhD, Professor
of Telecommunication, University of Wisconsin-Madison Cynthia J Laitman, PhD, Visiting Professor, Communication
Studies, Edgewood College